Create Your Own iPad App similar to Flipboard
Flipboard is a social-network aggregation, magazine-format mobile app. The software collects content from social media
When was the last time you saw someone looking at an iPad or tablet device? Tablets are quickly becoming the go-to digital content consumption device for people who want to sit on their couches, browse social media, learn about the morning news and even purchase a pair of shoes.
The cool thing is that you can sell on iPad app your digital content without even knowing how to program an app. Simply choose one of the many iPad mobile app templates from the iBuildApp website and you can get started within just a few minutes.
Let’s take a look at how iPad app development is useful for bringing in more customers and improving your small business marketing.
Sell Products in Your iPad magazine similar to Flipboard
Create your tablet app in Flipboard style as a personal magazine. Catch up on the news you care about, read stories from around the world and browse the articles and magazines. Reach your users instantly with your own tablet app. The iPad apps make it much easier to pitch your products, since the high-resolutions and large images offer a true description of what the product is.
Build Your Own iPad app similar to Flipboard that lets users build a customized magazine from their social feeds and favorite news outlets, and was popular with iPad owners
Offer Free Media in your aka Flipboard app to Build Loyal Followers
Free content is one of the best ways to differentiate yourself from competitors. If your barber shop is right down the street from another barber shop, where are people going to get their haircut? At the barber who doesn’t offer anything for free or the one that posts videos and articles and deals for staying stylish?
The iPad is perfect for consumption, so give your customers what they want through your own iPad app. Create a gallery with the new clothing lines you plan on coming out with, or create a video series outlining the best ways to apply your makeup products. Streaming video and image galleries are some of the main reasons people use iPad apps.
Get Customers Out for Your Special Events in your aka Flipboard iPad app
You can also include a calendar on your iPad app, allowing users to simply bring up your app or receive a push notification when a new event is posted. If you coach a baseball team, send out the new schedule updates so all the players and families can open the app and see what is on the calendar for the week. You can even incorporate a map for people to drive directly to the location.
Share News and Connect
I like to read newspapers and books on my iPad and so do lots of other people. Tablets have turned into the new reading mediums, meaning that you can share your company or industry news and even connect with people on Facebook and other social media accounts to improve your interaction with fans and followers.
Customize Your Call to Actions Online
A nice thing about the iPad is that websites aren’t smashed down to little sizes, making it difficult to read. You can pretty much see what any website looks like without much responsive modification. This is where you can really shine with your mobile app. Link one of your website pages to your mobile app to cut down on development time and push people to more exclusive or difficult-to-duplicate content.
If you have a special contact or call to action page, link it to your iPad app. If you have a sign-in page for exclusive members, create a button on your iPad homepage and link it all up.
Share your thoughts in the comments section if you have any questions about iPad app development to improve your small business marketing prowess. Are you still hesitant on making iPad app development for small business? Tell us why.