
People Interact With People How to Personalize Your Mobile App

It’s no secret: People buy from other people. If your company seems impressionable, or the customers can’t get a good feel for who the people are behind the scenes, there’s a small chance they will buy from you. And now that users spend 86 percent of their mobile time on apps, it’s essential to incorporate personalization in your app. Learn How to Personalize Your Mobile App in this article!

It’s wise to step back every quarter or year and ask yourself if you are letting off the right vibes on all of your marketing platforms. Even if you run something serious like a law firm, personalization comes into play for showing potential clients that they can trust you in their time of need.

This doesn’t mean that your mobile app has to come off as silly or playful, but there are some facets of a mobile app that require you to open up the curtain and get over your stage fright. How to Personalize Your Mobile App?

We’re talking about personalization, since it’s one of the easiest ways to convince someone to buy from you or to contract your services. Although getting the sale after personalization is easy, implementing that personalization is actually somewhat tedious and difficult.

It’s similar to building a recognizable brand. You might have the idea in your head, but it becomes harder and harder when you try to make that translation on paper.

Let’s take a look at how to personalize your mobile app so users and customers are more likely to keep opening your app and buying from you.

Remain Honest Throughout Your Mobile App Pitch

How to Personalize App

Image Credit: laszlo-photo

Honesty is key for keeping around customers. Even if you make a simple mistake in the wording on your mobile app people might see this as you trying to slide one past the customers. Make sure everything on your mobile app is accurate, and make an effort to speak in a personal tone.

Yes, professional text is everywhere, so sticking with wording that sounds like a robot is no way to sell your services. Go through the products or services you share on your mobile app and make a checklist to ensure that every item is accurately described.

Ask a few people to read through the app and give you feedback. Ask them to tell you about unclear messages or if they feel confused or deceived when reading something on the app.

Keep it Personable – How to Personalize Your Mobile App

Personalize Your Mobile App

Image Credit: fransisco_osorio

Over 40 percent of consumers buy more from retailers who personalize. This ties into the previous point, but I wanted to dive in a little deeper. Personality in writing and formatting is not always the easiest thing to do. You may be able to speak with your clients in a personal tone, but what happens when you try to put those words on a mobile app?

After you write the text for your mobile app, walk around and read it out loud. Ask someone else to listen to the speech and ask them for feedback.

If it doesn’t sound like you are having a natural conversation, change things up. You also want to include specifics in your text so people can connect with your company. Share your personal backstory and even explain how the company came to fruition.

Identify Your Customer Needs and Show a Solution

How to Personalize Mobile App

Image Credit: Tobyotter

Are your main customers people who need to fix their hair in a hurry? Do you have a customer base that needs legal help quickly after a car accident? Identify your customers’ immediate needs and show them that you understand those needs in the mobile app.

Provide links and buttons that lead to solutions for their problems. Clear away the rest of the clutter on your homepage to show people that they have one route to solving their problems.

Give Clear Customer Support and Contact Information

Mobile App

Support information and contact details give your customers a direct line to your company. If you don’t provide clear lines of communication then it shows that you don’t want to hear from your customers.

Provide Images of the People Who Work at Your Company

Personalize App

Image Credit: herval

Do your customers know who they are going to be talking with if they give you a call? Do these employees look friendly and accomodating? Show images of your staff, or yourself, to display the actual people behind the operation.

It’s not always the easiest thing to personalize a sales pitch in your mobile app, but with a few tweaks you can be well on your way to connecting with your customers on a whole different level. Tell us in the comments section below if you have any questions on how to personalize your mobile app.

Do you have any tricks or tips for other people who are looking to learn How to Personalize Your Mobile App?