
Reseller Guide

Creating your payment button

iBuildApp allows integrating payment system to automate billing process. After you've set up the payment system (on both Payment System site and Reseller's Admin site), your customers will be directed to the payment form directly from "App Publishing" page.

We recommend using PayPal payment system.

Go to If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you should register as a Seller. If you have a Buyer account with PayPal, you should upgrade it to Seller.

To create your PayPal button on PayPal, navigate to "Merchant Services" page:

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Then choose the "Create payment button for your website" block:

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After that you'll be taken to "Create PayPal payment button" screen:

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Navigate from Step 1 to Step 3 and fill out the forms. Please make sure that all fields are entered correctly:

Under the "Choose a button type" choose the "Buy now" type:

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Enter the "Item name":

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Enter your price and choose currency:

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Under the "Customize text or appearance" choose "PayPal button" and then "Use smaller button":

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On the third step you'll be asked, if you need your customer's shipping address. Choose "No":

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Once done, tap "Create Button" and you'll be taken to the screen with the button code. Copy that code:

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Go to your Reseller site and log in under your reseller's account. Go to Administrating Panel ->Tools->Reseller:

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Paste the payment button code (from PayPal site) into the "Payment button HTML-code" field:

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Enter your button description - it will be displayed on the "App Publishing" page:

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Then press the "Save" button - and you're done!

Now your customer will get redirected to the payment form every time they request publishing service on the "App Publishing" page.