Freelance Web Programming, Mobile Developer and Graphic Designer JOBS
Post your App Graphic Design, Mobile Developer or Programing Job and get proposals from the best freelancers today
Добрый день!
Требуется создать приложение с личным кабинетом, привязкой накопительных карт, которые будут синхронизироваться с нашей базой 1с и сайтом
Приложение БЕЗ каталога, только новости, информация о скидках
На главном экране слайдер с баннерами, под ним виджет с остатком баллов на карте, далее текст Контакты, адрес с номерами телефонов
Monday, June 7th, 2021 10:10 am GMT +00:00
Приложение с каталогом видеоуроков по категориям (список папок/программ, в них уроки)
Регистрация в приложении после оплаты за месяц/квартал/год
Руш-ап уведомления 2-3 в день (аффирмации, задание в случайном порядке или заранее на месяц мной запланированные)
Заметки пользователя (дневник с текстом, может быть с добавлением своего фото)
Хотела бы узнать стоимость и технические возможности реализации такого проекта.
Двое лучших!
Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 08:13 am GMT +00:00
I want help creating a basic app that allows people to add there friends and start challenges for money. Via uploaded by credit card.
Jordan Murzyn
Sunday, March 28th, 2021 03:19 pm GMT +00:00
I am looking to design and create an app for my brand
Tracy Fitness Fairy
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 12:15 pm GMT +00:00
Приложение счёт фактуры,оптовый магазин игрушек,счет фактуры должен быть доступен клиенту.
Aiganym Dauletbekova
Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 08:23 am GMT +00:00
Apps based application for Management , Operation Team and Farmers.
Management to access info on the fly on corn plantation , yield and inventory.
Operation Team to input daily work done for seedling , planting , fertilisation and harvesting .
Farmer - register as approve supplier consisting on their personal data, type of corn planted and other legal land permits.
Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 12:39 pm GMT +00:00
تجاره السيارات
Saturday, March 6th, 2021 03:50 pm GMT +00:00
The project is aimed at building easy communication between the company and the clients.
1. to send out an alert of a filled garbage bag/bin.
2. The app should send out notifications and approvals of service subscription.
3. access to Google Maps
Thursday, March 4th, 2021 08:26 pm GMT +00:00
consultation app where client can call after payment , for a restricted period, after that it will ask him to subscribe again, if he wants to call
Dr Shiv
Saturday, February 27th, 2021 04:28 pm GMT +00:00
I am enquiring to find out how much it will cost if a pro app designer would assist us in creating an app for our business concept. Would you be able to send me a quote on this please?
Kind regards.
Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 11:31 am GMT +00:00
72 projects posted