Download and Install Android, iOS SDK
(Xcode, mobile app development kit on windows)
Over 150,000 downloads of iBuildApp development kit: SDK for iOS and Android. Supporting xcode on windows
Supported platforms
System Requirements
- iOS
- Android
Installation and Configuration
- Android SDK
Downloading and Installing
- iOS iBuildApp SDK
- Android iBuildApp SDK
- iOS iBuildApp SDK
- Android iBuildApp SDK
Your First iBuildApp Mobile App Feature
- iOS App Feature
- Android App Feature
Web Part Configurations
- Feature Fields Customization
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System Requirements to download iOS and Android SDK on Windows and Mac
This is the place for developers to build, deploy, test and publish their own Extension Features (here in after 'Feature') for mobile applications with the iBuildApp platform.
System Requirements for iOS
In order to run iBuildApp Mobile SDK successfully, your system environment must meet the following conditions:
- Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6.6 and above
- Apple xCode and iOS SDK: xCode 4.0.2 & iOS SDK 4.3.2 (recommended) and above, Xcode 3.2.6 & iOS SDK 4.3 (not officially supported)
How to install Apple xCode and iOS SDK on Mac and windows
iBuildApp requires Apple developer xCode and iOS SDK to be installed in order for you to code Features for iOS applications.
You can install Xcode & iOS SDK from Mac OS X installer disc that come with your Mac computer.
Alternatively, you may obtain the latest versions of Xcode and the iOS SDK from the Apple iOS Dev Center web site at
Fortunately membership is free and can be activated using your existing Apple account (for example the one you use to buy music on iTunes).
For more details on download, installation and getting started with Xcode & iOS SDK please refer to
Go to Xcode >> Project, locate your project (Feature name) from the left sidebar and change the iOS Deployment Target number to 4.3:
Fig. 1
System Requirements for Android SDK download
In order to run iBuildApp SDK tool for Android successfully, your system environment must meet the following conditions:
- Operating System: Windows XP/VISTA/7, Linux, Mac OS X
- JDK 6 & Android developer tool such as SDK rev. 17
The following tools can be used for development using iBuildApp SDK:
- Console;
- Eclipse IDE 3.6.2 (or above) & ADT;
- NetBeans IDE 6.7.0 (or above) & NBAndroid.
iBuildApp requires JDK and Android SDK to be installed in order for you to develop Features for Android applications. For more details on download, installation and getting started with JDK please refer to Oracle official website: For more details on download, installation and getting started please refer to Android official website:
For more details on download and installation of ADT Plugin please refer to Android official website:
You may obtain the latest versions of Eclipse IDE from Eclipse website at
Set up the Project Build Target for your Feature equal to 8 (Google APIs):
Fig. 2